Google Play Services APK Free

Google Play Services APK Free MOD Download

About Google Play Services

Google Play Services APK Free MOD Download now. Is used to update Google Apps and apps from Google Play. This component provides core functionalities like authentication to Google services, synced contacts, access to all the latest privacy settings, and higher-quality location-based services. Enhance your app experience. Improve your gaming experience, provide more immersive maps, and speed up offline search. If you uninstall Google Play Services, some apps may not function.

Google Play Services APK Free
Google Play Services APK Free Download

Key Features

▪️ Helps to enhance privacy and security.

▪️ Authentication services (Google Sign-in and App Invite)

▪️ Back up and sync contacts on your device

▪️ View & Change Privacy Settings

▪️ Location-based Services

▪️ Improved offline experience Offline search is now faster and more reliable.

▪️ Build immersive map experiences

▪️ Delivers better gaming experiences

What’s New in the Latest Version 23.37.17

Last updated Oct 5, 2023

Minor bug fixes. Check it out by installing or updating to the latest version!

Google Play Services APK Free MOD Downloa

Additional APP Information

Latest Version    23.37.17

Requires Android      Android 12.0+

Google Play Services FAQs

1. How do I reactivate Google Play Services?

Go to Settings > Apps and activate Google Play Services. Select “Activate” by tapping on the Google Play icon. Now, your services are active.

2. How do I recover Google Play Services on my Android? offers the APK to fix Google Play Services that have been accidentally or outdatedly uninstalled on Android. Install it to recover the service.

3. Why can’t I update?

Download the latest APKPure version or a fresh APK with all errors fixed.

Google Play Services APK Free Download Now

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